Ah! There you are.
I am Xiaoyu Liu, nice to meet. 

Create work around
digital products
interdisciplinary art
short stories
Wave my wand at
huge, 2021-present
dotdash, 2019-2021
More about me


I’m a senior product designer who transforms creative concepts into impactful solutions. Currently at Huge, I am assisting Cox in reimagining the e-commerce experience for residential customers. I've collaborated with top clients like Google, shaping experiences across Search, Ads, and YouTube. Additionally, I led creative work in-house at Dotdash for Verywell, one of the leading ad-supported health sites.

Dev support
Consolidated Buy Flow🔒

Client: Cox
Creating a unified purchasing journey for both new and current customers, streamlining the upper funnel to the shopping experience.

Creator-Driven Shopping Experience🔒

Client: Google
Imagining the future of creator-driven shopping on Search: connecting the next generation with trusted voices. Envisioning seamless shopping experiences on YouTube Shorts, navigating short-form video journeys effortlessly.


Languages & i18n🔒
Client: Google
Making Search more inclusive globally.


Structured Content Templates
In house: Verywell @Dotdash
Led design projects encompassing template creation, including homepages, articles, taxonomies, news, drug and supplement pages, vaccine hubs, and special content such as awards and online magazines. Also revamped navigation, including global navigation, article navigation, and footer redesigns.


My artistic practice delves into themes of time, sensory perception, and the existential concept of death. Through a diverse range of mediums including art installation, writing, bookmaking, documentation, sound, and video. 

Near Water 
Installtion in 2022, text written in 2018
Rice paper, copper wire, glass
I remade the book I wrote in the past into a pocket size. A book about my personal story of living in cities near water all my life is hung from the top with its edge touching the surface of the water. The water I keep running away from-the ghost that comes after me, the soil that nourishes me-is slowly permeating, evading, and finally gaining control. My story reveals. The fragmented puzzling and mumbling nonsense.

Read the script

Death of Any Sort
Start collecting since May, 2020
I use my phone to take photos of every death I encountered except for human beings since quarantine. It all traced back to the moment that I executed a fly.

To keep the death “fresh”, each of them is sealed together with a bag of desiccant into food storage bags. The deaths are placed at the relative heights of discovery, most are at the ground level. The deaths are tossed to the road effortlessly, out of eye level. Overlook is a privileged perspective of human beings. By looking at the ground, the audience are exposed to the unnecessary and uncomfortable presence. Here, I’m exploring the verticality that a human persists, and the geometry and selectivity of the concept of death under the dominance and dictatorship of humans.

The oneline graveyard

hEAR 耳斤
You are what you are sensing
Enameled Magnetic Copper Wires, Super Strong Magnets, Mono Amplifiers, Stretched Canvas, MDF board
hEAR is a site-specific sound installation consisting of multiple handmade speakers on canvases playing a computer-generated stereo soundscape.

Its concept emerges from my response to a lifetime sensitivity to high frequency sound. This ‘excessive hearing’ triggers physiologic and emotional feelings - anxiety, timidity, need to escape - which led to the form of this project as an artistic metaphor of  “my fear” and “my courage to face it.”

Human Voice as Clock
2’ Multi-Channel Voice Recording

I recorded myself counting 2 minutes in several contexts to explore the human perception of time under different scenarios.

Time is stretchable. Senses trigger flashbacks, flashbacks are extracted from memories, and memories interfere with the senses. Past, present, and future are interconnected like a manifold, a convergence of multiple dimensions of time. To connect these dots, Joan Grant reveals this piece of a puzzle in her book Winged Pharaoh: a far memory book: “for where I am is within and beyond Time, for it is the center of a circle where past, present, and future join and are eternal.”

@刘筱雨 Xiaoyu LiuCase study available upon request